What You Will Learn in this Course
Welcome to the course!
No matter how you got here - as a result of a purchase of an online course to improve your email writing, as a pre-cursor to a training workshop your organisation has signed up for or perhaps you are reviewing this as a post-workshop resource - we are so glad you are with us!
There are 5E's that we all need to consider when we are writing our emails. Watch the video to find out what they all are.
To know what other resources you need in order to make the most of this online course, be sure to watch the next Video before you jump into the 5 Sessions of the R.I.G.H.T method for The Write Response.
We are glad you have decided to join us on this journey and here's a tip - watch this video until the end - for a bonus that you may not have been expecting.
Finally our wish for you is that you have fun as you learn.