Tales By Lustin Boris
Tales by Lustin Boris: His Hierarchy (Commercial)
"Tales By Lustin Boris" is a captivating short book series that unveils the intriguing backstory of the enigmatic character, Lustin Boris, before the events in "The Mysteriousness" series. Mostly based on true stories, this series explores Lustin's primary and secondary school years.
The first installment "His Hierarchy," focuses on a poignant friendship breakup that profoundly shaped Lustin's life during his early years. These short books offer readers a brief yet emotionally charged glimpse into the intricate web of relationships and challenges that defined the young Lustin Boris.
In the second installment, "Menacing: Evil Teacher," join Lustin and friends as they confront a malevolent educator, unraveling the suspense and shadows within their school. This short, intense addition explores the impact of evil on their lives, offering a gripping glimpse into Lustin Boris's ongoing journey.
In the gripping third installment, "Year Head's Tyranny: Unwanted Authority" Lustin finds himself under the thumb of a head teacher with a heart colder than a forgotten cafeteria lunch. This isn't your average schoolyard nemesis; this is a power-hungry administrator who seems to relish wielding their authority like a rusty, joy-sucking wrench. We'll be following Lustin as he navigates a school year choked by draconian rules and questionable detentions. Will Lustin find a way to survive (and maybe even thrive) under this oppressive regime? Buckle up, because the saga continues...
Discover the mysteries of Lustin's past and prepare for an evocative journey through his formative years in "Tales By Lustin Boris." Each short book in the series promises to deliver a powerful and concise narrative that sets the stage for the gripping tales that lie ahead.
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Hello! I am Om! I write books.
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Join us as we unlock the secrets of Lustin Boris's past in "Tales By Lustin Boris." These short yet impactful books will transport you to his primary and secondary school years, unveiling the events that shaped the man behind "The Mysteriousness." Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and a deeper understanding of Lustin's journey as we take you through "His Hierarchy" and beyond. Explore the true stories that shaped him, and prepare for a thrilling ride through the corridors of nostalgia, friendship, and self-discovery. "Tales By Lustin Boris" is a prelude to a captivating saga that will leave you hungry for more. Stay tuned for the unfolding mysteries of Lustin Boris's life.