- 想理财不知道怎么开始? 想要开始理财投资,却不知道怎么迈出第一步
- 存了一笔钱不知道怎样投资? 想要通过理财投资,积累更多财富,却不知道如何开始
- 学了一些理财技巧可还是不会实操?学习了大量理财技巧和知识,可是依旧不会理财
- 不想亏钱有哪些好的投资方式?想投资又害怕亏钱,不知道怎样选适合自己的理财产品
- 花钱无度,每个月月光无积蓄,不知道自己钱花哪儿去了
- 基金、股票一通瞎买,连连亏损,不知道怎么做资产配置
适合人群 :
- 想要好好理财却不知如何开始的新手
- 想改善家庭财务实现财务自由的工薪夫妻
- 工作太忙,想要快速上手的上班族
- 难以存钱,甚至陷入负债的月光族
- 工资之外,想要创造被动收入的上班族
- 投资过很多产品,就是没赚到钱的跌坑老手
- 想了解更多投资渠道,但怕风险怕被骗的人
- 一个万能理财模型,把个人和家庭财务打理得井井有条
- 搞定家庭保障,收获财务安全防护伞,防止一夜返贫
- 告别不会投资的困扰,早一步比别人开启变富之旅
- 掌握持续钱生钱的能力,从此彻底抛开对金钱的焦虑
- 稳赢老手的懒人投资法,长期躺赚睡后收入
- 提早退休大蓝图,让你一步一步迈向财富自由
- 【1对1财务体检】价值USD150
- 【一份理财规划书】价值USD250
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Your Instructor
Rachel Wong is a financial coach in a leading financial institution in Malaysia. Over the past 10 years, she has helped many individuals and families, especially professional working class and families with kids . With her proprietary strategies and advice, they now have clarity and take charge on their finances.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will check if you entitled for a refund.