“10 ways to Relieve your Stress in 30 minutes and get Instant Relaxation"
The Ultimate guide to Relieve your Stress in just 30minutes!
So Hurry! to cure your Worries!
"10 ways to Relieve your stress in 30 minutes and get Instant Relaxation" teaches you 10 amazing techniques on how you can get rid of stress and be a healthy person.
Your Instructor
Hi, I am Amutha Mani.
I am an Educator, Content Creator and Founder of Doteki Fitness Programme which focuses on fitness and healthy lifestyle for adults who are 40 years old and above. I am also the author for the newsletter "Feel Younger, Live Longer".
Please feel to subscribe to my free newsletter as well, which is a one-stop point for health tips, research-based health issues, real stories and interviews regarding health matters.