Ultimate DUMMY to INTELLIGENT Value Investor in US Stock Market
Understanding the simple FUNDAMENTAL guide to start CREATE and GENERATING WEALTH
You open your eyes, the morning sun shining on you, together with the strong waves hitting on rocks greeting you the starting of the day. Walking towards the door after the bell rang, someone smiling charmingly and holding a plate of your favourite breakfast with a cup of black coffee and says, ‘Here you go, breakfast of the day, enjoy!’
Since I came to this beautiful world, my humble traditional parents taught my siblings and I to study hard, get a fly sky result so we can apply scholarship for our tertiary education. After that can get a decent pay check, bla bla bla…… The traditional life story goes on and on
Out of blue moon, there is this opportunity for me to work at oversea. This is where I start to feel the power of ‘Cash is King’. No doubt the money flew in fast, yet the entertainment with stakeholders increase significantly. This is what trigger me start learning how to invest when my family doctor warned me about my health is in RED ALERT!
When talk about investment, probably we will think of the investment guru, Warren Buffett. To learn from him is definitely only happen in dream, BUT to learn with someone who learnt from his strategy and methodology previously, I personally think that is AWESOME! I am grateful that I manage to stick with people who success in investment ie Sean Seah and Reshveen.
So, I do not want YOU to go through what I had, use time and energy exchange with money. Warren Buffett says, ‘Never depend on single income, make investment to create the second source’. And this is the reason I created this online program for you, no matter where you from. The best part is, this is totally suitable for you with ZERO KNOWLEDGE on investment.