The Course

Hey there! Imagine being equipped with the knowledge to recognize a stroke the instant it strikes, and knowing just what to do next. That's what you're going to master in these sessions. You’ll dive deep into the world of cerebrovascular accidents—yes, that's the fancy term for strokes—and learn the FAST response method to identify tell-tale signs. But that's just the beginning. Get ready to explore the nuanced symptoms that vary from person to person, and understand the risk factors and lifestyle changes that can minimize the chances of stroke.

Now, let’s talk about life post-stroke. It’s all about embracing the new normal, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. You'll learn strategies for successful rehabilitation, discover how to modify your environment for safety and independence, and find out how to tap into community resources. This course doesn't just speak theory; it prepares you to apply what you learn to real-life scenarios, offering peace of mind to both stroke survivors and their loved ones. By the end, you'll be confidently crafting a long-term plan to not just survive but thrive after a stroke.

What you will learn

When I started crafting this course, my main goal was to empower you with the knowledge and strategies to not only recognize the signs of a stroke quickly but also to equip you with the tools for managing and thriving after such an event. It's packed with actionable insights from leading healthcare professionals and survivors' success stories. You'll get comprehensive guidance, from understanding the risk factors and prevention methods to mastering the rehabilitation process, all organized in easy-to-digest modules. I've made sure that each lesson is practical and engaging, ensuring that you come out of this feeling confident and ready to face the challenges ahead, armed with life-changing knowledge that can make all the difference.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Your instructor

With a passion deeply rooted in health education and a personal journey marked by decades of maintaining robust wellness, I bring to this course not only the wisdom of my sixties but also a disciplined dedication to living a life immune to the common ailments that often beset others. My professional ethos is built on the foundation of proactive health management, advocating for informed dietary choices and conscious lifestyle habits to stave off conditions like strokes, which are often the byproducts of preventable conditions like diabetes.

My research and teachings are a testament to my unwavering commitment to equip individuals with the knowledge they need to navigate health challenges, particularly in the golden years of retirement. As your guide, I will share comprehensive insights that reflect my extensive understanding of diabetes and stroke prevention, aiming to empower you with strategies not just to identify strokes but to create a blueprint for a thriving, abundant life post-recovery.


Master the Signs of Stroke and Embrace a Future of Triumph and Wellness


Cutting-Edge Strategies for Recognizing Strokes and Thriving Post-Recovery


Gain the Knowledge to Identify Strokes and Forge a Path to Resilient Survival