T.E.A.M. About The Course

Hey there! Picture this: a dynamic, interactive experience that transforms a group of individuals into a cohesive, unstoppable team. That's what you're in for with our engaging workshop where we dive deep into the nitty-gritty of team dynamics, communication strategies, and collaborative problem-solving techniques. You'll learn not just the theory but also put it into practice with real-time activities designed to strengthen the bonds between team members. We focus on breaking down barriers and building trust - the kind of trust that turns any group into a well-oiled machine.

Now, let's talk real-world impact. Ever noticed how the best companies seem like tight-knit families? We're aiming to get you there. The skills and insights from our workshop will help you foster a supportive work environment that encourages creativity, boosts productivity, and reduces team conflict. By the end, you'll walk away with a toolkit of strategies that you can implement immediately to elevate your team's performance. Plus, the connections and memories you create will turn that "team" label into a reality you can feel good about every time you clock in for work.

What you will learn in T.E.A.M

When I first put together this workshop, I was laser-focused on creating a space where everyone like you can bridge the gaps between team members, fostering a sense of trust and camaraderity right from the start. It's been carefully crafted, with every activity designed to build upon the last, creating a cohesive journey towards solid team unity. Think of it as a toolkit; by the end of this workshop, you'll have gathered a wealth of strategies to nurture a collaborative environment, regardless of where you're starting from. And rest assured, it's all laid out in a smooth, intuitive sequence, making it super easy to follow along and stay engaged. I'm really excited to see how it'll empower you to become a vital part of your team's success story.


This course is closed for enrollment.

Your instructor-Coach Usshan Chia

How I help Company & TEAM to RESTRUCTURE , Redesign , TRANSFORM their Business, & Team, connect to Abundance and grow their 3P Profit,Productivity & Performance from 30% to 300% while guaranteeing results thru my U.S.S.H.A.N Human Capital Developement T.E.A.M Coaching Formula without increasing your effort ! ❤️ 

Since 2011 i’ve been helping businesses , CEO & TEAM to grow & transform . 

Being featured in Newspaper, Business Magazine such as RTM 2, New Strait Times , Nanyang Siang Pao , Chinese Newspaper etc. Trained more than 13000 participants worldwide and coachee from more than 13 countries.

Most my corporate client became SME's Award Winner and became industrial leader .

That’s where I come in as a HCD T.E.A.M Coach partner/ and Mastermind . 

Where me and my team provide them PROVEN , effective , SIMPLEST & Practical solutions. 

Whether it be helping them Transform effortlessly to become more Congruent, Productive, highly perform & more joyful and happy.

How we do this is through: 

👉 A ‘done-for-you’ U.S.S.H.A.N Human Capital Develoment T.E.A.M program ... 

👉 Coaching and mentoring programs to Build their HCD T.E.A.M systems, and Improving their Business & life’s Energy.

👉… Just booked us for a 15 mins complimentary session to find out more: https://calendly.com/usshanchia

Bottom line is - we create Results, Paradigm Shifted even during our 1st encounter. 

So that’s why we only work with those who are serious about scaling their Business or Life to the next level. 

If this sounds like you, simply reach out to me - we’ll love to help you connect to your Business & T.E.A.M Abundance and reach new levels of transformation in the next 3 months or less .

To your success,



Energizing Synergy for Collaborative Success


Cultivating Mutual Understanding and Support


Fostering Creative Team Problem-Solving